Friday, May 22, 2009

Life's razor edge

There are a plethora of quotes to this effect by a great many pessimists that "on the day you are born you begin to die." It's true that you only learn how to live as you learn how to die. That's why so many people find at death's doorstep the renewed insight of what they should have lived for. Then we have this: "whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." And we wonder why our most secure moments are our unhappiest? Sometimes you want life to cut you, and make you bleed a bit, so you'll be reminded of the valuable deaths that should occur day by day to things and tv shows and fashion and other crap that erodes our ability to really digest what a meaningful, God-glorifying life might be like. It is no coincidence that the most meaningful relationship with a family member I had was one where I thought the man was about to die for years. I never left things unsaid. I rarely passed up a moment.